Tuesday, July 10, 2018

Nathan Bundy

We have all heard (and witnessed) that men and women are different. Like our brains are wired differently! Funny video on this.  Well actually living with one, I can testify that this is true.

The other day, I had a meeting at my house for work, and I sent Ivy out with Nate for maybe five minutes. I hear a knock at the door, and standing there was a dripping wet baby and a very proud father. For an early birthday present, her Aunt Nicole gave her a splash table. Well Nate had decided to fill it up and allow her to play in it fully clothed. But it didn't stop there, he then began to spray her with the hose. The splash table I guess wasn't enough water!

I had a grand idea. I was going to have Nate build an outdoor couch. I thought, hey this Pinterest picture looks the easiest! Let's have someone with limited building experience put it together. So Nate called a little more, not by much experienced man, his father. Now. Like I said earlier. The woman's brain is different than a males. At first, we laid the whole bench out against the fence. Just so we knew what it looked like. Well I was just following the picture! Because that is how you get a Pinterest worthy project. The men on the other hand didn't care about the picture. They insisted on laying it out a bit differently than the picture. They wanted to do something that was way more complicated and did the same exact purpose my way did. Well, with their way we would have needed to cut a piece of wood..... we only had a hand saw..... My way didn't need any board cutting... After a long debate, I won. And they later admitted that I was right... Sweet victory!

I am grateful for their hard work, and many, many hours on my cute bench. This is the finished project, just without our cushions. I love it! (And yes, the fact that it was much cheaper than buying one makes me love it even more).

Now another thing this summer that made me scratch my head and think, hmmmm. Why? Was Nathan resigning for his next contract in the Army Guard. Like... Why?

I'm totally kidding! I am so proud of his decision. And we get at least another chid (no I'm not pregnant) some what free. And at least 6 more years of having base access! I guess he was right on this... Good call Nate!

I thought I would end on a good note, because I may be in trouble after this post.

Tuesday, June 5, 2018

Summer Stay at Home Mommy

Becoming a mom is an adjustment. You know that. So I was on maternity leave until October, went back to school and continued on my normal schedule, then after school was my little adjustment. Then we had Christmas break and that was an adjustment of returning to be a mommy full time. At least at that point, she wasn't too mobile so it wasn't too difficult. Then Spring Break came a long and same thing. She was crawling so that made it a little more interesting, but it was only for a week!

Well.. Now it's summer... and let me tell you, my daughter is busy!! I always knew she was, but I honestly haven't spent more than three days (day and night) with her this mobile! Oh man. I think I am more tired than chasing around 22 third graders for 8 hours. She is hilarious and it is so much fun seeing her grow.

Ivy's new thing is to push things. She tries to push everything so she can walk... and when it doesn't move she screams, throws a fit, and cries. The other day she decided to push our nightstand. It didn't end the way she wanted... Ivy is such a joy to have in our lives!

This summer I am determined to get her outside and see that there is life besides the Wiggles. Yes. My daughter is a tad bit addicted to the Wiggles. But she doesn't just sit and watch, she plays and listens. We went to Washington to visit my sister-in-law and Ivy did great! But there were a couple of times she didn't do so great... So we purchased the Best of the Wiggles soundtrack on Nate's phone and played it in the car. She calmed immediately down and started to clap. So yes. I need to teach my daughter about the outside. Plus, I need to get the Wiggle's soundtrack out of my own head!

We go on walks every day and of course, she must push as well. We start swimming lessons in two weeks! I am just so excited that I get to participate in the "Mommy activities." Besides swimming lessons, that's Nate's territory. We also went to the airshow. And Ivy loved it! She actually fell asleep during the Thunderbirds... I'm not sure how she can sleep during that, but the moment I breath when I lay her down at night, she wakes up!

We will be adding posts about our first summer as parents and our adventures of us becoming stay at home parents for three months!

Saturday, May 19, 2018

Frog Update

This just in. The frog has been found.

So as some of you know, we have a history with frogs. In our apartment we had one that snuck in our house nightly and we had no idea how. He would hang out outside our door as well and waited for us to open it to sneak in (pretty sure that was his exact thought process).

We bought a house and moved in in December. As the weather warmed up a little bit, we started to hear a ribbit over the baby monitor. We have searched for this frog! But we can only hear him!

Nate was out mowing the yard and I get a few texts...

I ran outside to see him and he was already gone! He hopped into the bush right after his photoshoot.  I feel like we are playing hide and seek with our friend... And he is totally winning.

Don't worry, Nathan mowed around him.

Sunday, May 6, 2018

Where's Ivy?

Ivy is now nine months old. She is the busiest little girl I have ever seen, and I am busy! She is such a joy to have in our life. Her new thing is getting into to everything and eating literally anything that she can get her hands on, or at least trying. There is always something in her mouth. Just the other day I pulled the plastic sticky stuff from a command strip out of her mouth. She was chewing on something so I checked and felt nothing. Two minutes later she is continuing to chew. So I busted through those tight little gums and got it out.

I have people, who I don't even know might I add, at Wal-Mart tell me that she shouldn't suck on the cart handle. I just want to say, "Well I wasn't born yesterday! It is a lost cause with this child!" I may have actually told someone that..... 😞 (Don't worry, I do have a cover for the cart, but she finds ways...)

She is also constantly crawling in her own style (bear crawling that is) and getting into anything that she can. Here are some prime examples.

I never thought I would get such a workout chasing a child who can't even walk yet! We love Ivy so much and can't wait for nap times, then we can't wait for her to wake up. Then wish it were nap time again. 😉

Saturday, April 28, 2018

Sign Laguage

My sister taught her boys how to do some sign language before they could speak. They could do animals, tell her when they wanted food or when they were done. So I have been attempting to do this as well. I have been very consistent with "all done", "eat", and "more". Well my wonderful husband has decided to teach her his own sign language...

He has been trying to get her to say "poop" by flipping her hand over and back. When the real sign is this:

He is teaching her mom as bug. 
And now the newest one is dad as:
So if you see my poor daughter doing the Fauns thumbs.... you know that it actually means dad.... 

She has no hope. He is being way too consistent with these signs. My brother gave me a sign language book for babies today, so hopefully I can get to teaching her more signs before her father can get to her. 

I don't know what I would do without this man. He sure knows how to get me laughing way too hard. And sometimes I'm the only one laughing in large groups... Which tells me that I may be more like him than I think. 

Wednesday, April 18, 2018

I NEVER get my time anymore...

There I was minding my own business in the shower. When I hear giggles in the bathroom. Not just Ivy, but Nate as well. I open my eyes and I look up and this is what I see. 
No I don't bring my phone into the shower with me. But I had to get this captured, so I made Nate hand me my phone!

I had no idea how little time alone I would get. I mean. I can't even pee alone. Seriously! The other day I had to go to the bathroom so I ran into bathroom and I had a cheerleader the whole time. She is into clapping, so I was applauded a lot. Never have I left the bathroom feeling so confident.

Thursday, April 12, 2018

Who lives in Bundy Land?

Well. I have decided to create a blog because I think my life is hilarious and I think that everyone should know about it. I am a new mom to the most amAZING LITTLE girl (she is helping me type as we speak, hence the random capitalization). My little Ivy is eight and a half months old and she is busier than ever.  Ivy came into our lives in August. This is when our lives became crazier! I am a third grade teacher and my husband teaches at the high school. So we at least have summer to have our life calm down.... right?

Yeah right!

Follow us on our journey's through becoming new parents, and then older parents (quicker than we like). As well as keeping up with our frog friend who we so dearly wish would show himself at our new home.

Nathan's Thoughts:

Now is the part where I give voice to my amazing thoughts. 
First, I feel my contributions to this family have greatly increased productivity. Before me, zero babies made. After me, one baby made. That's a 100% increase in productivity. For this reason and others, I believe that my wife should raise my allowance.

Follow Nathan weekly in.... Nathan's Corner.  My wife believes my remarks should be short.  >:(

Nathan Bundy

We have all heard (and witnessed) that men and women are different. Like our brains are wired differently! Funny video on this.  Well actua...