Well.. Now it's summer... and let me tell you, my daughter is busy!! I always knew she was, but I honestly haven't spent more than three days (day and night) with her this mobile! Oh man. I think I am more tired than chasing around 22 third graders for 8 hours. She is hilarious and it is so much fun seeing her grow.
Ivy's new thing is to push things. She tries to push everything so she can walk... and when it doesn't move she screams, throws a fit, and cries. The other day she decided to push our nightstand. It didn't end the way she wanted... Ivy is such a joy to have in our lives!
This summer I am determined to get her outside and see that there is life besides the Wiggles. Yes. My daughter is a tad bit addicted to the Wiggles. But she doesn't just sit and watch, she plays and listens. We went to Washington to visit my sister-in-law and Ivy did great! But there were a couple of times she didn't do so great... So we purchased the Best of the Wiggles soundtrack on Nate's phone and played it in the car. She calmed immediately down and started to clap. So yes. I need to teach my daughter about the outside. Plus, I need to get the Wiggle's soundtrack out of my own head!
We go on walks every day and of course, she must push as well. We start swimming lessons in two weeks! I am just so excited that I get to participate in the "Mommy activities." Besides swimming lessons, that's Nate's territory. We also went to the airshow. And Ivy loved it! She actually fell asleep during the Thunderbirds... I'm not sure how she can sleep during that, but the moment I breath when I lay her down at night, she wakes up!
We will be adding posts about our first summer as parents and our adventures of us becoming stay at home parents for three months!
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